The application is a social network platform that connects parents based on their interests via various mеans of communication such as content feed, chat, groups and events based on interests. The application algorithms are engineered the way they can select content and recommendations from parents with similar interests, locations and the age of children.
The main goal of the project was to build a social network platform that connects parents and provides excellent user experience via handy features (user invites, tagging, hashtagging content sharing and deep links). We have developed a mobile application that suits all requirements of social networks for parents.
One of the challenges we faced was to make Twitter-like user tagging and hashtagging. To overcome this challenge, we have developed our own text analyzer that helps work with user tags and hashtags in the text.
The collaboration between the client and TBR Group is ongoing.
Users can share news via a content feed like in other social networks, in particular upload photos and videos, tag users, add hashtags, share other posts, etc. This enables users to send gifs, photos and videos via the chat, create groups, tag peers and make link previews.
Circles are similar to traditional groups where users get connected based on their location or interests. Users can find a particular group or create their own, pin a circle, invite friends, create posts.
It’s possible to organize and share offline or online events via Babymates.
The bespoke and feature-rich cross-platform mobile application
is developed with Flutter.
Apple, Facebook, Google, email authentication;
user profiles;
content feed;
deep links;
content sharing;
user invites;
push notifications;
help center.
During development TBR Group have been closely collaborating with
the client’s in-house dev team. The responsive and diligent approach shown
by TBR Group helped Babymates get the app into the hands of users.