In the era of globalization and smart everythings, a firmly established web presence appears crucial.
By addressing challenges posed by digital technology, an enterprise can stand a chance of building a prosperous online business.
In this article, we are going to brief you on platform-independent text-to-speech mobile app development.
What technology should furnish the idea in the best possible way?
And what pitfalls could there be on the way?
In case mobile development relates to the react-style framework Flutter, such issues become specifically relevant.
“Read the text out loud” techniques have come into widespread use and the number of app downloads is rising rapidly.
Furthermore, the “Forecast growth of the artificial intelligence (AI) software market worldwide from 2019 to 2025” is expected to witness a sustained increase.
Speech synthesis refers to the synthetic output of human beings’ speech. Text-to-Speech technology is a method for rendering the text into a real-time voice.
It’s part of machine learning, data mining, and artificial intelligence technologies.
Simply put, Text-to-Speech synthesis —TTS — produces the voice. Text-to-speech solutions should not be confused with speech recognition techniques, which are concentrated on voice recognition and translation practices.
You might have come across such definitions as voice synthesis or text-to-voice technology, which actually define the same notion.
TTS readers could be a perfect match for both increasing productivity and helping those suffering from dyslexia, vision impairment, and such like.
Based on preferences, users can choose:
In their vast majority, text readers allow users to upload files of various text formats or connect to file-sharing apps, such as DropBox and OneDrive. It is as well possible to download the required files from a local device.
A reading style can be adjusted to auditory, visual, or a compound array of both.
Configuring screen layouts is another option available for software users.
Getting a clear comprehension of how to craft a text-to-voice mobile app is significant.
You will need to define the goal and the target audience.
The discovery and the business analysis stages are crucial as they will determine the overall strategic course.
Right after the research has been done, it is time for designs to get created and code written.
You may either try using a pre-created mobile app design tool to draw designs for a mobile text reader app.
Extending the development opportunities, you may reach out to a software engineering company.
The mobile software development could be
Plus, each and every technological stack features its peculiarities.
Elaborating on the development stages, we dive deeper into the domain in our Building a pet care app with Flutter: TBR Group guide, and Why choose Flutter for mobile app development in 2022?
A quality assurance specialist is to test the brand-new app and ensures its impeccable performance. A phase of testing is highly essential before launching the product to a broad audience.
As the app is uploaded into the App Store and Google Play stores, it becomes available to get downloaded by all those interested.
The post-launch is all about supervising the correct performance of the text reader and adding new features and updates.
When it comes to the median price of crafting a text-to-speech Android or iPhone app, the cost will depend upon a few factors.
As an example, the Flutter engineer’s earnings are hourly based and depend upon the location region. Likewise, in Eastern Europe, the rates fluctuate between $40–60 and the USA pays $100–200 per hour on average.
The article Pros and cons of dedicated teams for mobile app development will cast some more light on the problem of choosing an appropriate team to fulfill the project.
Just to name a few, some of the most top-rated Google text-to-speech and text-to-speech iPhone software solutions are:
Text to speech book readers might serve as efficient aids both at the time of work and leisure or during a learning period.
Neural Reader refers to the Productivity section in the App stores. It is a text-to-speech and speech-to-text cross-platform mobile app built with Flutter.
Please, read through a complete Neural Reader case study on our Cases page.
Converting the text into audio, the app allows people suffering from impaired vision to listen to their text inputs.
People, who cannot hear well, may see audio transcripts. This way, the app converts a real-time audio speech into text.
Opportunities for users vary from general account setting options to the key functionality of the application.
Neural Reader mobile app: “Settings” pages for authorized and non-authorized users.
It is possible to personalize the client’s member area.
Neural Reader mobile app: “Settings Language”, ”Language”, ”Settings Voice”, and ”Settings Text Size” pages.
Allowing for a large range of files to get uploaded, Neural Reader makes sure customers can pick up the required format.
Such as:
Neural Reader app: “My Library” pages.
A consumer can benefit from the next features:
Neural Reader mobile app: “Audio player” pages.
A user can convert the files from the:
Neural Reader mobile app: “Convert from” pages.
A user is able to:
The artificial neural network technique and the Flutter framework have been applied in the project to realize the natural language processing technology.
In a nutshell, Flutter can be defined as a software development kit, a framework. Flutter contains development tools for code conversion.
So, a code base written in Dart is transformed by Flutter into a machine code that could be understood and executed on mobile devices with iOS or Android operational systems, as well as Web solutions.
By employing the Flutter framework and the Dart programming language, we were able to craft a cross-platform mobile app natively felt on iOS and Android.
More of Flutter is written in our article The fundamentals of Flutter & Dart on the Blog page.
TBR Group is a Ukrainian company focused on platform-independent mobile app development.
Having completed a number of projects, we will gladly advise on any scope of work for your project.